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Kunal Pandey的照片


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  • 0 条评语
  • 精通 English, Hindi
  • 29, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2022
  • 未列出职业
  • 未列出教育背景
  • 来自Bihar, Bihar, India
  • 个人主页已完成 75%


Hi I am happy go lucky person with open heart and mind. I love to talk my heart out and explore places. I love doing new things to keep life exciting at all times. I am someone who is straight forward and doesn’t shy away from keeping my thoughts/opinions/point of view. Life is always difficult but dealt with kindness softness everything!!

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing

I am here to connect with new people. Explore the city and make new connections in the process. Basically to have a good time!


Travelling, Binge Watching, Eating Out, Partying, Doing new activities like Pottery, Guitar lessons, Yoga and Meditation.

  • partying
  • movies
  • traveling
  • exploring
  • yoga and meditation
  • binge watching


I am more of a movie buff guy. Love all kind of movies from Bollywood masala to parallel movie. Movie with strong female characters and relatable subjects does it for me 💯

Nowadays been listening to music a lot, but not a hardcore music person. Can listen 🎧 to any music as recommended or on the vibe at the time.

I don’t consider to be a book reader but given a choice I am always inclined towards biographies and real events. My all time favourite book is “Mrs Funny-bones” written by Twinkle Khanna.


Kheer Ganga Trekking


I can share my passion for food, travel, movies, art and culture and lot of stories and time.

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